We are a team of dedicated academics who are committed to promoting agricultural development and enhancing human capacity in the agricultural sector. Our department consists of engaged academics who specialize in a variety of areas, including crop science and production, animal science and production, agribusiness management, and Agri-food Value Chain Development, Statistics and Biometry, IT and Scientific Communication in Agriculture, and Agricultural Engineering. With the support of our lab staff, we offer a range of undergraduate and graduate programmes.
Our department is dedicated to supporting the sustainable socio-economic and environmental development of the Republic of Mauritius. We believe in fostering a knowledge-based society and strive to equip our students with the necessary lifelong learning skills to succeed in their agricultural careers. Our innovative programs, includes undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Agribusiness Management, Crop Agronomy, Animal Production and Health as well as our flagship programme in Agriscience and Technology which aims at training undergraduate students for a range of jobs in the agricultural sector.
The Faculty has seven (7) laboratories for the teaching of our academic areas namely (i) Biotechnology (Molecular Biology and Tissue Culture), (ii) Food Science and Technology, (iii) Microbiology, (iv) Zoology, (v) Botany, (vi) Soil Science, (vii) Agricultural Chemistry (viii) Animal Science and Production and (ix) Crop Science and Production. These laboratories have the facilities to meet the minimum standards expected for both teaching and research activities of the academic areas. In addition, there is the UoM Farm which covers an acreage of 21-acre (8.5ha), it is a vital pedagogical unit. Its objectives are to provide appropriate facilities for hands-on practical training sessions in crop and animal production for students and research activities of both staff, and undergraduate and post graduate students
We also place a strong emphasis on industry partnerships and work closely with key stakeholders to offer a 6-month work placement programme and industry-led dissertations for our students. Our department has hosted international students and academics from Africa, Europe and the US, providing our students and staff with valuable cultural and professional experiences. We are also involved in regional activities, such as the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) and The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA). It is also the Node Hosting institution for the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) since 2002, and as such, it represents an ideal platform for the academic and student community and all stakeholders including the private sector to come together, to share knowledge and experiences in the FANR sector.
Our vision as a department is to promote agricultural development and train human capacity for the agricultural sector. To achieve this, we aim to harmonize our curriculum, establish effective partnerships with the world of work, and enhance the skills and competences of our students and staff through mobility and internationalization. With the aim of aligning with the University of Mauritius's vision to promote research and entrepreneurship, we aim to offer our students practical, hands-on experience in establishing an agribusiness. This will inspire and motivate them to become innovative agri-entrepreneurs who can positively impact the agriculture sector. All our modules are also geared not only towards training students on sustainable agricultural practices but also make the link to food and nutrition security for the country.
In the academic year 2023/2024, we will be launching new programmes of studies such as Digital Agriculture, Intelligent Information Management for Agribusiness, Agribusiness and Value-Chain Management, setting a high-level agenda for our department.
Our departmental staff also contribute to applied research in their respective field of expertise. This research is very much contextualised and is, in many cases, in response to challenges faced by stakeholders in both Mauritius and Rodrigues. In addition, the dept of APS hosts the Pole of Research (PR) in Food and Nutrition Security (InnoVAL). The PR was set-up in Year 2017 to respond to the global challenge of increasing Food and Nutrition Security, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In conclusion, we are dedicated to providing our students with the best education and opportunities to succeed in the field of agriculture. I am excited for what the future holds for the Department of Agricultural Production and Systems and look forward to serving as its new head.

Department of Agricultural Production & Systems (APS)
Welcome to the Agricultural Production & Systems (APS) Department! The APS Department is one of the two departments constituting the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Mauritius.

Department of Agricultural & Food Science (AFS)
The Department of Agricultural and Food Science (AFS) carries out scientific research, university teaching, consultancy and outreach in different research areas as follows: Biotechnology and Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Aquaculture and Crop Protection, Agricultural and Soil Chemistry