
Students Union

University of Mauritius Students' Union
Students' Union Office, 1st Floor Student Center, University of Mauritius, Reduit
Tel: 4037400 Ext: 4016

Year 2024-2025

Office Members
Full Name
Contact Numbers
Email Address
RUNGIAH Tirouvalen
JHANGEER Muhammad Zoubeir
RUNGIEN Roubessen Rutchendren Pillay

About Us

The Students’ Union is the official organisation of the students of the University. It is run for students by the students under its own constitution and is the centre of student non-academic activities.

The two main functions of the Union are:

(i) to act as the representative body in all matters concerning the students; and
(ii) to promote and provide for the welfare and the social, cultural and educational activities of the students.

All students whether enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis are members of the Union. The Executive Committee of the Union is made up of four office-bearers elected from among the students and one elected representative from each of the five Faculties. The office-bearers are elected by all registered students of the University whereas the Faculty’s representatives are elected by students of each Faculty.

The administrative business and all other activities take place at the Students’ Centre. The Union is empowered to recognise and finance students’ societies dealing with recreational activities as well as those that deal with academic subjects and those that cover topics of concern to the students.

It has its own web page and a radio campus through which it communicates with the student community.

The University has a close relationship with the Students’ Union and seeks wherever possible, to involve the Students’ Union in its decision making processes thus providing us with direct knowledge of and influence on the development of policies and procedures relating to teaching and learning and their welfare.

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