Accreditation of Engineering Programmes
The Faculty of Engineering is one of the leading engineering institutions in Mauritius and has been offering engineering programmes since 1976 with the first batch of students graduating in 1980. On average the Faculty produces some 200 engineering graduates per year. The four year programmes are recognized by the Council of Registered Professional Engineers (CRPE) for entry into engineering practice.
The Faculty reviewed its engineering programmes in 2016 in order to align its offering with the Standards prescribed by the International Engineering Alliance and those of the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) which is a member of the Washington Accord.
The programmes went through the process of regular accreditation with ECSA in November 2021 the outcome of which is as follows:
Provisional Accreditation
BEng Chemical Engineering (provisional accreditation)
Regular Accreditation
B Eng (Hons) Chemical Engineering minor Energy Engineering
B Eng (Hons) Chemical Engineering minor Environmental Engineering
B Eng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
B Eng (Hons) Civil Engineering
B Eng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Planned for Regular Accreditation
B Eng (Hons) Telecommuncation Engineering with Networking (2024)
B Eng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering minor Industrial Systems (2026)
B Eng (Hons) Mechatronics Engineering (2025)
Graduates from accredited programmes will be able to enroll for engineering practice in countries which are signatory to the Washington Accord.
Accreditation Documents
01. ECSA E-01-P Background to Eng Education
02. ECSA E-02-PE Qualification standard
03. ECSA E-03-P Criteria for accreditaion
04. ECSA E-10-P Policy on accreditation.pdf
05. ECSA E-11-P Accreditation process
06. ECSA E-12-P Documentation requirements
07. ECSA E-13-P Forms for use in acceditation visit
08. ECSA E-13-P-T7-EPAC_TPAC Tables
09. ECSA E-14-P_Report_Template
10. ECSA E-14-PT Report template
11. ECSA E-17-P Recognition of Educational programmes
12. Presentation to Staff 25 Oct 2018
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