As most graduates step out in the world of work, there are many who would like to study their chosen field in more depth. Postgraduate research enables students to improve and challenge their knowledge, make important discoveries, pursue a career in academia and use the analytical and research skills which are transferable to many career paths.
Established in 2017, the Doctoral School (DS) of the Univeristy of Mauritius is responsible to assist in the smooth running of Postgraduate research degree programmes namely, MPhil, MPhil/PhD, PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowship. It sets guidelines and regulations for research postgraduate education, and implement policies on admissions and academic progress. One of its main function is to process applications from students to read for postgraduate research degrees. Whilst Faculties monitor students’ research progress, the Doctoral School provides a conducive ecosystem to accompany students during their doctoral research journey by conducting regular research seminars and workshops, coordinating attendance to research methods modules and other research forums, organising yearly doctoral colloquium thus aiming at building research capacity, providing transferable skills and grooming students to becoming good researchers. The School finally aims to bring the doctoral students together and to create a vibrant doctoral students’ community.
To be a School of Excellence committed to promoting novel and impactful postgraduate research