
Workshops/ Seminars/ Events




27 Apr 2017

Meeting with Director (DS) Prof H C S Rughooputh

04 Aug 2017

Workshop ‘Introduction to LaTeX’

Resource Person: Dr Vandana Bassoo ,  Lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius
07 Sep 2017

Workshop 'Best Practices for Productive Writing’

Resource Person: Dr Taruna Shalini Ramessur - Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Mauritius. 

29 Sep 2017

Workshop on the Turbulence Model used in CFD Codes organised  Under the Royal Society -DFID Africa Capacity Building Initiative  in collaboration with the Doctoral School

Resource Persons: Associate Professor K Elahee, Mechanical and Production Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius

Dr M Z Dauhoo, Associate Professor Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Mauritius

Dr A Khoodoruth, Mechanical and Production Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius
06 Octr2017

Workshop- "Introduction to R Programming"

Resource Person: Mr Sameerchand Pudaruth – Senior Lecturer at the Department of ICT, Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies, University of Mauritius


03 Jul 2018

Meeting with Director (DS) Prof A H Subratty

11 Jul 2018

Talk on “Participatory Research” by the Doctoral School and the Department of Health Sciences, (Faculty of Science), in collaboration with the Global Young Academy

Resource Person: Dr Miraj U. Desai, PhD- Yale School of Medicine, USA

16 Jul 2018

Workshop- "Publishing in Leading International Journals organized by the International Center for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality in collaboration with the Doctoral School, University of Mauritius

Resource Person: Professor Dogan Gursoy, College of Business, Washington State     University, USA

25 Jul 2018

Workshop- "Philosophical Underpinnings of Research with regards to Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology

Resource Person: Dr Mukesh Srivastava, Professor Management Information System, College of Business, University of Mary Washington, USA

27 Jul 2018

Workshop- "Pitching Research Organised by The International Center for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality in collaboration with the Doctoral School, University of Mauritius

Resource Person : Professor Robert Faff, Professor of Finance & Director of Research, University of Queensland  Business School
06 Aug 2018

Talk on An Innovation-Driven Future: Intellectual Property Management in Knowledge Economy

Resource Person : Dr Mukesh Srivastava - Senior, Director, Center for Business Research, Professor of Management Information Systems, University of Mary Washington

12 Sep 2018

Talk on “ Current trends in probiotics and prebiotics”

organised by the Doctoral School  in collaboration with the Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Science

Resource Person : Prof Nagendra Shah, Professor of Food Science, University of Hong-Kong

28 Sep 2018

Journal Publication: Writing Constructive Reviews and Responding to Reviewer Comments organized by the International Centre for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality in collaboration with the Doctoral School, University of Mauritius

Resource Person: Professor of Business Research Methods, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham

5-6 Nov 2018

Training Workshop on Principles of Phytomedicine : Ethnomedicine, Science, & Product Formulation organized by Doctoral School in collaboration with FoA & FoS and sponsored by SANBIO

Resource person: Prof Namrita Lall, Research Chair, affiliated to the University of Pretoria 

08-10 Jan 2019

A 10-hour Short Course on “Quantification of Uncertainties in Modelling”, organised by the Doctoral School in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science.

Resource person: Professor  Laurent Dumas, University of Versailles, France

03 Oct 2019

Workshop on “ Scientific & Research Writing and Publishing”

Resource person: Sibu Zondi , Emerald Publishing
04 Oct 2019

Workshop on “ Best Practices for Productive Writing”

Resource person: Assoc Prof (Dr) Taruna Ramessur

26 Nov 2019

Workshop on “Successful Doctoral Thesis Writing: Several Principles”

Resource person: Professor John H Stanfield II, SSR Chair for African Studies

24 Nov 2020

The Doctoral Journey, Statistical Tools in Research & Research Capacities’

Resource person: Dr Lydia Rhyman, Postdoctoral Fellow, Mr R Thoplan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Statistics  and Mr Shalan Khalid, Core Research Solutions Consultant,Elsevier.




3 March 2021

R' workshop

Resource person : Mr R Thoplan,

Senior Lecturer

Department of Economics and Statistics

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


30 March 2021

Webinar ‘Challenges and opportunities in research and innovation for the next generation UoM PhDs and PostDocs’ organised in collaboration with the CBBR.

Resource persons : Assoc Prof A Bhaw-Luximon, Head CBBR & Dr N Goonoo, Research Fellow at CBBR


9 Apr 2021

Webinar entitled ‘Conducting Systematic LR using Kitchenham and PRISMA Methods’

Resource person: Assoc Prof K Khedo, Dean, Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies (FoICDT)


15 Apr 2021

Webinar entitled ‘Research Article and Publishing with Emerald’

Resource person:  Mr Sibu Zonzi,Vice President – Business Development | Africa |  Emerald Publishing

Thursday 29 April 2021

Tips for Successful Completion of Your Doctoral Thesis

Resource person:  Professor Chris Brooks,  Professor at the University of Reading (UK) & Author of the famous book 'Introductory Econometrics for Finance' (Cambridge University Press)

Friday 7 May 2021


Resource person:  PROF MANOJ MAHARAJ

Thursday 20 May 2021

Webinar entitled ‘Qualitative Research Methodology and Design’

Resource persons:  Professor  Alfred Henrico & Dr Roland Goldberg

North-West University

South Africa
Friday 11 June 2021

“How many is enough?  Reporting and Justifying Sample Size in Qualitative Interviews”

Resource persons:  Professor N K Saunders

Professor of Business Research Methods at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham and Director of Global Engagement

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Research, Approach and Design

Resource persons: Dr Upasana Gitanjali SINGH
Academic Leader and Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Information Systems and Technology
University of KwaZulu- Natal

Friday 25 June 2021

Doctoral Supervisors Webinar

Resource persons: Prof Jan Botha, Professor, Centre of Excellence for    Scientometrics and STI Policy and the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST) at Stellenbosch University


Dr V Teeroovengadum, Head of Department, Department of Management, Faculty of Law and Management, UoM


9 July 2021

“Understanding the Research Process and its Implications for Doctoral Research”

Resource persons: Assoc Prof (Dr) R Nunkoo

Faculty of Law and Management
21, 23, 28 and 30 July 2021

Academic Writing Course Series

Resource person: Professor Charles Faul

School of Chemistry

University of Bristol



29 July 2021

Data Analysis for Survey Research _Part 1

Resource person: Dr V Teeroovengadum

Faculty of Law and Management


4 August 2021

“An Introduction to LaTex

Resource person: Dr V Bassoo

 Senior Lecturer

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

University of Mauritius


19 August 2021

Equity in International Collaborative Health Research”

Resource persons: Assoc Prof Jantina de Vries

Department of Medicine

University of Cape Town

23 to 25 August 2021

Virtual online Southern Africa Science Leadership Programme Workshop (S-ASLP) organised by the Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP), the initiating Young Academy in Mauritius, the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World, Mauritius National Chapter and the Doctoral School of the University of Mauritius.


2 September 2021

Data Analysis for Survey Research _Part 2

Resource persons: Dr V Teeroovengadum

Faculty of Law and Management

Wednesday 08 September 2021

Virtual Open Session by the Doctoral School for Prospective Doctoral Students
Wednesday 15 September 2021

An Overview of Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling and Its Applications

Resource Persons: Prof Dr.C M Ringle

        Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany;&

        Dr V Teeroovengadum

        Senior Lecturer & Head of Department of Management

        Faculty of Law and Management
Tuesday 05 October 2021

How to survive the double blind - peer review system


Resource Person: Ms Mahynour Okda, from Emerald Publishing. 


Ms Okda is the Emerald Regional Training Executive for Middle East Africa (MEA) and she is based in Cairo, Egypt. She has been with Emerald for more than 4 years now. She is currently the visiting lecturer for Research Methodology at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Egypt.

Wednesday 06 October 2021

Developing effective supervisory support towards mutualistic symbiotic relationships

Resource Person: Prof Mark N.K. Saunders

Wednesday 13 October 2021

The 7 Elements of Effective Critical Thinking in Doctoral Dissertation Writing: What Are They?

Resource Person: Professor  John H Stanfield

Director,  ASARPI: The Institute for Advanced Study of African Renaissance Policies Ideas

Monday 08 November 2021

An Introduction to Meta-Analysis

Resource Persons:  Professor B Seetanah, Director of Doctoral School

Ms Zameelah Khan Jaffur

Thursday 25 November 2021

A  U.S. Business School Approach at Integrating Academia and Industry: The Harvard Case Method

Resource Person:  Dr Rajeev Sooreea

Associate Dean

Associate Professor of International Business

Barowsky School of Business
Thursday 02 December 2021

The Main Elements of Theory for All The Sciences and Humanities: What Are They? ' :

Resource Person:  Professor  John H Stanfield

Director; ASARPI:The Institute for Advanced Study of African Renaissance Policies Ideas

Thursday 27 January 2022

Pitching Research Matters

Resource Person: Professor Robert Faff, FASSA

Professorial Fellow at Bond University and Emeritus Professor at University of Queensland.

Thursday 03 February 2022

Ethics in Research- what’s the fuss?

Resource Person: Professor Emmambux

Department of Consumer and Food Sciences,

University of Pretoria

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Earning the Trust and making Alliances to bringing about Change

Resource Professor: Uttam Gaulee

     Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership, and Policy

     Morgan State University


Wednesday 09 and Thursday 10 March UoM Virtual Doctoral Colloquium 2022
Wednesday 30 March 2022

Webinar on “Literature Review and Writing up of Manuscript: How to be Effective'

Resource Persons: Dr Lydia Rhyman - Research cycle and the Research cycle and a guide on how to carry out literature review

Mr Khalid M. Shalan (Elsevier Representative) –

Building blocks of your Research paper

Thursday 08 April 2022

Virtual Research Presentation by UoM PhD Awardees

(1) Presentation by Dr Viki-Rao Nalaya

Thesis Title: "Elucidation on HLA Antibodies Development in Multiply Transfused Male Patients across the Major Ethnic Groups in Mauritius and Resolution of HLA Alleles and Haplotypes Frequencies in the Donor Population of Mauritius


(2) Presentation by Dr Sajaad Boodoo

Thesis Title:  "Development of a Novel Algorithm and Study of the Effect of Reflecting Surfaces on Actively Created Quiet Zones".

Thursday 14 April 2022

Research Ethics: Conceptual and Practical Considerations

Resource Person:  Professor Mark Rathbone
Friday 22 April 2022

Online workshop with the theme ‘Quality Standards in PhD Supervision’

Resource Persons: Dr Baby A. Gobin-Rahimbux, Dr (Mrs) Maleika Heenaye- Mamode Khan
Tuesday 31 May 2022

Panel Session on ‘From Supervisory Dialogues to Successful PhDs- enabling the learning conversation of students and staff’

Prof Boopen Seetanah

Prof Archana Bhaw-Luximon

Dr Virayan Teeroovengadum
21 to 24 June 2022

Big Data Mauritius - data science mini-school

DARA Big Data, in partnership with the University of Mauritius (UOM), IDIA and the OAD

30 June 2022

The art of presenting: make your research count

Resource Person: Prof Lida Holtzhausen

12 July 2022

Talk on  'Small island developing states: Vulnerability and resilience under climate change'

Resource Person: Dr Stefano Moncada

20 July 2022

Virtual Research Presentation by UoM PhD Awardees


(1) Dr (Mrs) Bibi Fatema Zahra Mungloo-Dilmohamud

Thesis Title : “Computational Methods for Feature Selection in the Context of Gene Expression Profiling and Biomarker Discovery: Robust and Novel Methods”

(2)  Dr Nandini Savoo

Thesis Title:  “Theoretical Insights into the Effect of Counteractions, Solvent, Nucleophilicity and Reactive Centres on Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions”

July 2022

Exchange programme for Doctoral Students currently registered under the ERASMUS programme

13 September 2022

Delving into the multi-level introspection modes of the doctoral journey

Resource Person: Professor Fayth Ruffin, Juris Doctor, PhD (Global Affairs)

20 September 2022

Virtual Open Session 2022 organised by the Doctoral School

I October 2022

Workshop on Meta Analysis

Resource Person:Professor B Seetanah,Director Doctoral School

Ms Zameelah Khan Jaffur
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