We share Knowledge
Welcome to Medical Update Group
The Medical Update Group (MUG) was born in 1992 and resulted from a collaboration between Dr Keser Pillai and Dr Madho Jingree. The collaboration between MUG and UOM started in 1996. Its objective has always been to provide continuing medical education to all doctors in Mauritius by organizing lectures, discussions and case presentations on topic which span all the medical specialties.
Meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month at the University of Mauritius. In addition to excellent local speakers the Group has had the opportunity to welcome some internationally known speakers who were visiting Mauritius.

The current organizational committee of MUG consists of: Dr Keser Pillai, Dr Meera Manraj, Dr Anil Mohith, Dr François Leung Kune Chong, Dr Hemraz Boodhoo, Dr Shiv Seegobin, Dr Christian Wan Man Chung and Miss Annick Hebe. We encourage presentations from all categories of doctors; so far presentations have been mainly done by specialists but we would very much like to hear more from General Practitioners and Junior Hospital colleagues who are at the sharp end of the doctor-patient interface. The Medical Update Group will be 27 years old this year. To all of those who have helped the infant grow to adolescence and adulthood through their contributions to and their attendance at the meetings, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU and hope that we will have more new blood joining MUG to help it continue to stride forward.
Doctors who have formed part of the MUG organizing committee at some time since its inception:
Dr Shenaz Ramtoolah
Dr Philippe Lam Thuon Mine
Dr Sunil Gunness
Dr Zeenat Aumeerally
Dr Steve Ng Cheung Hin
Dr Raffick Dhuny
Dr Pravin Oogarah