Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Secondary School and University Students, Mauritius Regional Finals, 2024

The 17th and 23rd Mauritius Regional Finals of the Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Secondary School and University Students respectively, concluded successfully at the auditorium of the University of Mauritius on 25th May 2024. The well-organized event was attended by His Excellency Mr. Zhu Liying, Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and his spouse, Mrs Ying Qunhua, Mr. Yangjun, Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Professor Issack Santally, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academia) of the University of Mauritius, Chinese Director Professor Fu Mingduan and Mauritian Director Dr. Naraindra Kistamah of the Confucius Institute at the University of Mauritius, judges, contestants, and a large audience of local enthusiasts of Chinese language and culture.

Professor Issack Santally, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academia) of the University of Mauritius, said that the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition embodies the values of different cultures and diversity, promoting global cooperation and mutual respect. The competition not only provides a significant platform for Mauritian students to showcase their Chinese language proficiency but also serves as a celebration of building a cultural bridge between China and Mauritius through language. He believes that the influence of this competition in Mauritius is continuously expanding, allowing more and more young people to demonstrate their multilingual skills and promoting cultural exchanges between China and Mauritius.

In his address, Ambassador Zhu Liying mentioned that China and Mauritius have had diplomatic relations for 52 years, with cultural, people to people, and commercial exchanges dating back over two centuries. The Chinese and Mauritian people admire, respect, and support each other, and Chinese culture has become an inclusive part of Mauritian culture. Broad cooperation between China and Mauritius in political, economic, public infrastructural and cultural fields provides more opportunities for Mauritian youth to participate in future-oriented projects in China or locally. Therefore, understanding the Chinese language and culture is increasingly important. Ambassador Zhu expressed his hope that more Mauritian youth will learn and use Chinese well, inherit the torch of friendship between the two countries, and promote ambassadorship between China and Mauritius.

In this "Chinese Bridge" finals, six contestants participated in each category of secondary school and university students. The competition consisted of two parts: Chinese speech and talent show. The 12 contestants gave exciting speeches on the themes of "Fly High with Chinese " and "One World, One Family," sharing their personal stories and, demonstrating their proficiency of the language and understanding of Chinese culture. In the talent demonstration segment, contestants presented Chinese songs, dances, tea art, Tai Chi, calligraphy, and Chinese painting, bringing a magnificent visual and auditory feast to the audience.

After intense competition, the first prize for the secondary school student category was awarded to Jalila Isma Husaunndee from Lycée Labourdonnais and to Luvlesh Rahul Vickchit Rughoonauth from the University of Mauritius for the University student category. The two winners will represent Mauritius in the global finals of the "Chinese Bridge" competition to be held in China this year, and we look forward to their even more outstanding performances!

The "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition is a stage to showcase Chinese language proficiency and knowledge of Chinese culture, and it provides an opportunity for university and secondary school students worldwide, who are learning Chinese, to display their cultural talents and language proficiency.      


Speech by Professor Issack Santally and His Excellency, ZHU Liying


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J.I. Husaunndee from Lycée Labourdonnais and L.R.V. Rughoonauth of UoM, performing during the competition


image9Group photo of contestants and distinguished guests

Winners List for the 17th "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for High School Students, Mauritius Regional Finals:


First Prize Winner:

  • Jalila Isma Husaunndee

Second Prize Winners:

  • Lili-May Roland
  • Anniyah Léa Maelan Deljoor

Third Prize Winners:

  • Samuel Duval
  • Eva Wong Hee
  • Shauna Milena Leung Cheun


Winners List for the 23rd "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for University Students, Mauritius Regional Finals:


First Prize Winner:

  • Luvlesh Rahul Vickchit Rughoonauth

Second Prize Winners:

  • Oummeh Haani Roossaye
  • Jean Adrian Tony Fernandes

Third Prize Winners:

  • Dhanrani Boolaky
  • Jaumbocus Bibi Warda
  • Deepti Nursoo

Contact Info

Miss Bibi Amnaaz Heerah
Confidential Secretary to Director of Confucius Institute
Tel: 403-7328 or 403-7636