"International Chinese Language Day" celebration at the Confucius Institute at University of Mauritius, April 2024

To mark the 15th United Nations Chinese Language Day, Confucius Institute at University of Mauritius organized, on the 19th April 2024, a Chinese cultural experience event themed "Chinese Language: Connecting Cultures Through the Bridge of Mutual Learning.". Around 200 attendees, including Professor Fu Mingduan, the Chinese Director of CI-UoM, Dr. Kistamah, the Mauritian Director of CI-UoM as well as institute staff, students, and local enthusiasts, actively participated in the event.

Professor Fu Mingduan highlighted, in her address, that Chinese, one of the world's oldest and most beautiful languages, carries the profound culture of China. She emphasized that learning Chinese not only deepens one's understanding of China but also fosters cross-cultural communication. Dr. Kistamah is confident that the event would enhance students' comprehension of China's history, culture, and traditions, igniting their interest in studying the language.


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The addresses by the Chinese and Mauritian Directors of CI-UoM

The cultural experience activities were centered around Chinese calligraphy, painting, paper cutting, tea art, and Hanfu experience. In the Chinese calligraphy area, participants endeavored to write their names or simple Chinese characters. While some grappled with brushstrokes, others adeptly embraced the artistry of calligraphy.

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Calligraphy experience

In the painting segment, participants unleashed their imagination and creativity, endeavoring to depict plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo, chrysanthemums, and local flora typical of Mauritius. Each artwork reflected the participants' affection for traditional Chinese painting methods.

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Chinese painting experience

In the paper cutting zone, participants indulged in the joy of crafting diverse artworks under the guidance of CI-UoM's instructor. Their creations ranged from dragons to intricate floral designs, showcasing their enthusiasm for the art form.

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Paper cutting experience

In the tea art arena, participants savored various Chinese teas while the instructor explained each tea's characteristics and brewing methods, deepening their appreciation of Chinese tea culture.

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Tea art experiences

The highlight of the event was the Hanfu experience, where participants adorned themselves in exquisite Hanfu attire, transporting themselves to ancient times. With graceful poses, they showcased the elegance of these traditional costumes, filling the Hanfu area with laughter and joy as each participant immersed themselves in this captivating moment, embracing the charm of traditional culture.

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Hanfu experience

Additionally, CI-UoM organized a Chinese knowledge quiz with prizes during the event. Participants eagerly responded, enthusiastically raising their hands to answer questions about Chinese history, culture, and traditions. Each winner was rewarded with thoughtfully prepared gifts from the Confucius Institute, further enhancing the enjoyment and anticipation throughout the event.

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Chinese knowledge quiz

Lasting over four hours, the event provided ample time for participants to immerse themselves in traditional Chinese culture, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese customs and heritage.

Contact Info

Miss Bibi Amnaaz Heerah
Confidential Secretary to Director of Confucius Institute
Email: csdci@uom.ac.mu
Tel: 403-7328 or 403-7636