The First Round of the 2024 “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for University and Secondary School Students in Mauritius, March 2024

On March 30th, the first round of the 23rd and 17th Mauritian “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for University Students and Secondary School Students, respectively, was successfully held at the University of Mauritius. The competition was sponsored by the Chinese Embassy in Mauritius and organized by the Confucius Institute at the University of Mauritius. This event attracted 18 secondary school students and 17 university students across Mauritius.

The first round consisted of three parts: self-introduction, reading aloud and questions & answers. In the self-introduction part, the contestants presented their personal backgrounds and described their experiences of learning and living, articulating their passion for studying Chinese and their affection for Chinese culture. The reading aloud part focused on assessing the contestants’ ability to recognise Chinese characters and their proficiency in tonal pronunciation. The questions & answers part revolved around interests, personal aspirations, and academic life and it thoroughly evaluated the contestants’ ability to organize thoughts in Chinese and their spoken language skills. Throughout the day’s intense competition, the contestants displayed distinctive styles and commendable Chinese proficiency, vividly reflecting the profound enthusiasm of Mauritian university and secondary school students for learning Chinese and their particular fondness for the unique charm of Chinese culture.

The judges, following strict scoring criteria, carefully selected the finalists. Ultimately, six contestants each from the two groups of the secondary school and university students advanced to the final round. Next, they will receive professional guidance from teachers at the Confucius Institute at the University of Mauritius to prepare for the upcoming finals scheduled for end of May. Let us look forward to the 12 finalists continuing to excel and bringing us an even more exciting final.

The list of finalists for the 23rd “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for University Students in Mauritius.

  • Luvlesh Rahul Vickchit Rughoonauth 胡梦舟
  • Oummeh Haani Roossaye 哈尼
  • Dhanrani Boolaky 芮姝
  • Jean Adrian Tony Fernandes 托尼
  • Deepti Nursoo 苏晓笛
  • Jaumbocus Bibi Warda 仲知远

The list of finalists for the 17th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Secondary School Students in Mauritius.

  • Shauna Milena Leung Cheun梁美丽
  • Lily-May Roland 丽丽
  • Samuel Duval宋华
  • Jalila Isma Husaunndee 蒋丽娜
  • Eva Wong Hee 黄衣钰
  • Benicia Radha白雪丽


 Group Photo of the University Contestants



 Group Photo of the Secondary School Contestants


Contact Info

Miss Bibi Amnaaz Heerah
Confidential Secretary to Director of Confucius Institute
Tel: 403-7328 or 403-7636