Exams Timetables |
Academics and students at Faculty of Agriculture embark on a three-year journey to tackle food security issues in Mauritius |
Semester Timetables |
Access to labs after office hours for mphil/phd students |
Supporting the growth and development of Mauritian agricultural and food systems for over 108 years |
Associate Professor (Dr) Joyce Govinden Soulange
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Welcome to the Faculty of Agriculture
Mission Statement
‘Training Human Resources and Fostering Intellectual Development and Research in the Agricultural and Food Sectors’
The Faculty of Agriculture, originally founded as the School of Agriculture in 1914, plays a vital role in providing trained human resources for the public and private sectors locally and globally. The faculty contributes to the mission of the University of Mauritius by targeting academic excellence in teaching, research, innovation and community engagement thereby significantly impacting the sustainable development of agriculture and allied fields at the local and international levels. The faculty supports the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2024 of the University of Mauritius with respect to the UN SDGs 2030 agenda pointing Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing, Climate Action among others. The faculty promotes a dynamic and forward-thinking environment for its staff and students. It is a continuing challenge to produce high calibre graduates to meet the changing needs of the agricultural sector for this millennium. The standard and quality of our degrees are maintained to an internationally accepted level by a system of accreditation, quality assurance and moderation by external examiners from the University of Reading, United Kingdom, South Africa among others. The faculty will continue to play a significant role with respect to capacity building to provide the labour force required to address the challenges with respect to food security and climate change locally and globally.
“Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life? There is no deficit in human resources. The deficit is in human will.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

Department of Agricultural Production & Systems (APS)
Welcome to the Agricultural Production & Systems (APS) Department! The APS Department is one of the two departments constituting the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Mauritius.

Department of Agricultural & Food Science (AFS)
The Department of Agricultural and Food Science (AFS) carries out scientific research, university teaching, consultancy and outreach in different research areas as follows: Biotechnology and Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Aquaculture and Crop Protection, Agricultural and Soil Chemistry