Welcome to the Department of Agricultural and Food Science (AFS). The Department carries out scientific research, university teaching, consultancy and outreach in different research areas as follows: Biotechnology and Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Aquaculture and Crop Protection, Agricultural and Soil Chemistry. It is staffed by eight academics, one senior Laboratory Officer, eight Laboratory Officers and six Technical Assistants/Senior Technical Assistants. We also draw staff from the Department of Agricultural Production and System, all the faculties across the University campus as well as from our network of partners from other institutions thus benefiting from their rich experience and advice. Hands-on student training and research are carried out in our six laboratories and farm unit. Our department is strongly committed to student success and to meeting the needs of our agricultural and food sectors. We offer both undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate (MSc, M.Phil and PhD) programs in a broad spectrum of curricula. These programs prepare students to make significant, positive contributions to food and agricultural sciences through learning, discovery, and engagement. The academic programs foster critical thinking and build the necessary skills to succeed in today’s competitive job market. The curricula are regularly updated to keep pace with the changing requirements for an ever expanding knowledge, skills and competencies. Our research themes address the following : Sustainable Agriculture and Biofarming; Functional Food Product Development; Food Safety; Value- addition of underutilized agricultural produce; Epidemiology; Plant and Microbial Genomics; Antimicrobial and Natural Products Chemistry and Integrated Pest Management and Plant Protection.

The Department interacts closely with its stakeholders through the six-month student placement, organization of tailor-made short courses and workshops, industry-based projects and contribution in national committees. Our academics have significant collaborations with Regional and International Networks like the South African Network for Biosciences (SANBIO), Safety enhancement of Edible products, Legislation, Analysis and Management, with AAA countries, by mutual Training & research (SELAMAT), Bioversity International, QUALIREG- réseau de coopération scientifique en Océan Indien, Global Food Microbiology Teachers Network among others.






Department of Agricultural Production & Systems (APS)

Welcome to the Agricultural Production & Systems (APS) Department! The APS Department is one of the two departments constituting the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Mauritius.

Department of Agricultural & Food Science (AFS)

The Department of Agricultural and Food Science (AFS) carries out scientific research, university teaching, consultancy and outreach in different research areas as follows: Biotechnology and Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Aquaculture and Crop Protection, Agricultural and Soil Chemistry