Programme Review and Quality Enhancement

Our Quality Assurance Monitoring and Enhancement Policy is focused on Feedback that drives improvement in Programme Quality, Relevance, and Outcome-based Delivery. By emphasising on Internal and External Stakeholder input, we ensure our Programmes align with the evolving needs of students and industry, ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience and outcomes.

Annual reviews of Programmes at Faculty/Centre will consider Feedback from the Online Student Reports, any other students' data/metrics, insights from Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs), outcomes of the Graduate Tracer Studies (GTS), input from Employers gathered from Training Needs Analysis, from Industrial Placements, Professional Networking Links, and Employers' Needs Surveys (ENS). Reviews will also include staff reflections on curriculum, Teaching and Learning Methods, Examination Board outcomes, and any other changes implemented since the last review. An advisory Committee (Comprising of internal and External Members of the Public and Private Sectors) is held where major changes are undertaken.

External Examiners' Feedback serves as a crucial Benchmark to ensure our Programmes align with International Research and best practices in the Fields of Study. Through External Examination, we can evaluate the quality, depth, and relevance of our curriculum, ensuring it meets global academic and industry expectations. This process fosters Continuous Improvement, enhances the integrity of our qualifications, and reinforces our commitment to maintaining a high standard of education that prepares graduates for success in a competitive, globalized environment. The institution is dedicated to equipping Learners with the skills and knowledge essential for their future careers. The Programme Board of Studies (BoS) will lead the reviews, with outcomes presented to the Faculty Board/Quality Assurance/Teaching and Research Committee and Senate for approval, while the Quality Assurance Office will provide ongoing support to enhance this process.

Programme Monitoring (Restricted Access):

University of Mauritius | Reduit 80837, Mauritius | Tel : (230) 403 7400, Fax : 454 9642