Year 2004
Date | Details | Downloads |
20 July 2004 | Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction - Dr U S Ramjutun, (Consultant Cardiologist, MOH&QL) - Dr A Yearoo, (Cardiologist). - Dr A Ackbarkhan, (Cardiologist, MOH&QL) |
25 Aug 2004 | Recent Advances in therapeutics - Mr Sadeck Vawda, (Pharmacist) | |
28 Sept 2004 | Recent Advances in the management of liver failure - Emeritus Prof Leo Strunin, (London, UK) | |
06 Oct 2004 | Dietary Advice: Dispelling Myths - Mrs Rosida Dookun, (Dietitian) - Mr Gérard Requin, (Chief Pharmacist, MOH & QL) |
7 Nov 2004 | Clinical Case Presentations | |
19 Jan 2005 | Obstetrical and Medical Emergencies - Dr Keser Pillai, (Chest Physician) - Dr Zeenat Aumeerally, (Specialist in Obst & Gynae) - Dr Philippe Lam, (Specialist in Internal Medicine) |
06 Feb 2005 | Trends in Paediatrics Surgery: where does the failure lie in Mauritius - Prof Paddy Dewan, (Urologist and Paediatric Surgeon from Melbourne) | |
6 Apr 2005 | A Dermatology Update: Learning with pictures - Dr Li Loong, (Dermatologist) - Dr Y Jeetoo, (Dermatologist) |
14 Apr 2005 | Medicine and the law - Dr Michael Powers (MBBS and QC) - Mr Michaal Harrison (QC) from UK |
15 Apr 2005 | Prise en Charge de L’artériopathie des Membres Inférieurs - Prof H Mary Dr R Veerapen, (Vascular surgeon from Montpellier University) | |
20 Apr 2005 | Organisation de la transplantation Rénale en France Les Médicaments Immunosuppresseurs: Suivi Clinique et Biologique des Transplantés- Prof G. Mourad,. (Université de Montpellier) | |
26 Apr 2005 | Ocular Herpes Simplex Infections and Corneal Graft - Prof Collum, (Prof of Ophtalmology from Dublin) | |
18 May 2005 | Child Psychology -Mrs S Diaznaque and Mrs N Chakowa, (clinical psychologists) | |
06 June 2005 | Molecular Diagnosis of Papilloma Virus and Cervical carcinogenesis -Dr Roland Sahli (from Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Lausanne) | |
08 June 2005 | What’s new in Medical Therapeutics -Mr S Vawda, Pharmacist, (Unicorn Trading) | |
16 June 2005 | Alternatives to Blood Transfusion - Dr Bernard Tanguy, (Pneumologist from CHD Bellepierre, St Denis, Reunion) - Dr (Mrs) J Sonoo, (Pathologist from Blood Transfusion Section, MoH) - Dr Guy Adam, (General Surgeon) |