Date | Details | Downloads |
20 July 2005 | Liver Imaging - Dr Eddy Lam Shang Leen (from University of Glasgow) | |
10 Aug 2005 | Pathologie Gingivale-Diagnostic et Thérapeutique - Dr Seewoodharry Buguth Randhir, (Dentist). | |
17 Aug 2005 | Controversial Issues in Paediatrics -Dr (Mrs) Moira Neetoo (Paediatrician) | |
31 Aug 2005 | Image Guided Neurosurgery -Dr H Boodhoo, (Consultant Neurosurgeon, Nelson Mandela of School Medicine, Durban – South Africa) | |
07 Sept 2005 | Advances in Rheumatology-Dr Nap Chung, (Rheumatologist from London) | |
26 Oct 2005 | Clinical Cases and X-Ray presentations - Dr Ramesh Modun, (Neurosurgeon) - Dr Keser Pillai, (Chest Physician) - Dr Patrick Chiu Wan Cheong Jr, (Radiologist) |
24 Nov 2005 | Actualités dans la prise en charge des Rhinites Allergiques-Dr Riad Fadel, (Chest Physician and allergologist from Paris ) | |
30 Nov 2005 | A Mini-Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus with: “Update on the Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes"- Dr Steven Ah-Kion, (Consultant Physician, J. Nehru Hospital) "Organisational Set Up for the Management of Diabetes in Mauritius" - Dr Pauvaday, (Diabetologist, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life) |
21 Dec 2005 | Management of Prostate Cancer-Mr George Fowlis, (MD, FRCS Urology, Consultant urological Surgeon in North Middlesex University Hospital, London) | |
25 Jan 2006 | Debate on the organization of Medical Practice in Mauritius - Panelists:- - Mr Johann Oloff (Medical Insurance Expert from South Africa) - Dr Guy Adam-(Surgeon) - Dr Keser Pillai-(Chest Physician) |
15 Feb 2006 | Clinical Case Presentations - Dr Anil Mohith, (Physician (Specialist in Oncology) in the MOHQL) - Dr Ramesh Modun, (Neurosurgeon) |
15 Mar 2006 | Treatment of Breast Cancer -Dr Bibi Swaleha Khoyratty, (Oncologist from the Minnesota Oncology, Haematology Medical Centre, USA) | |
16 Mar 2006 | Actualités dans la prise en charge des Cardiopathies Congénitales -Dr Maria JIMENEZ, (Cardiologist, CHU de Bordeaux) | |
22 Mar 2006 | Chikungunya: What is it/ where are we? -Panel discussion involving Private Practitioners, a virologist and representative from the MOHQL | |
29 Mar 2006 | Recent Advances in Medical Imaging - Dr Nigel Marchbank, (Consultant Radiologist from UK.) | |
5 Apr 2006 | Clinical Cases in Cardiology - Dr Nizam Domah, (Consultant Cardiologist) - Dr Aniff Yearoo, (Cardiologist) - Dr Raffick Dhuny, (Cardiologist MOH&QL) |
12 Apr 2006 | Prise en charge de la douleur thoracique- Prof Coste, (Chef de Service de Cardiologie, CHU de Bordeaux) | |
10 May 2006 | Accidents d’exposition aux virus transmissibles- Prof Philippe Morlat, (Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux 2) | |
31 May 2006 | Respiratory Update - Dr Roland Donat (MD.CES) - Dr Bruno Cheong (MRCP, Chest Physician) |
28 June 2006 | Profil du Virus du Chikungunya dans la region de l’Océan Indien - Dr Hervé Zeller, (Director of the Centre National de Référence des Arbovirus, Institut Pasteur, Lyon, France) |