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08 December 2014 |
1. “ Les Plaies de L’enfant” - Dr Anne Moro, Pr Frédérique Sauvat, Dr Luke Harper, Dr Jean-Luc Michel Service de Chirurgie Pédiatrique CHU Félix Guyon Saint Denis, Reunion

2. “ Particularités de l’anesthésie pédiatrique”. - Dr Laurent GAVAGE, Anesthesiste Pediatre, CHU Bellepierre, Reunion |
3. “ Néphroblastome et Neuroblastome”. - Dr Jean-Luc MICHEL, Chef de service de Chirurgie Infantile, CHU Bellepierre, Reunion |
19 November 2014 |
1. “ An Update on Asthma Management” - Dr Subhraj Mudoo, Chest Physician, Ministry of Health and Quality of Life |
2. “ A Patient with Life Threatening Bronchospasm-for discussion”. - Dr Sooraiyah. Allyjan, ICU Resident at Apollo Bramwell Hospital and Dr Keser Pillai, Consultant Physician |
14 November 2014 |
“ Parenting In The New Millenium”. by Prof Indira Sharma, PhD (Forensic Medicine), MD, MAMS, Dip Yoga Sc, MIBRO, Head, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Department of Psychiatry Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, President, Indian Association of Geriatric Mental Health, Vice President, Asian Federation of Psychiatrists of Asia |
16 October 2014 |
“ Thrombolyse de l’accident vasculaire cérébral/infarctus”. by Dr Eric BEL, Practicien Hospitalier, Urgence Réanimation, CHU Bellepierre, Réunion |
09 October 2014 |
“A Critical Appraisal of the Current and Past Epidemics of Ebola” by Dr Deoraj CAUSSY, PhD, FMAST Epidemiologist and Adviser at the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life |
08 October 2014 |
"What’s New in Therapeutics" by Mr Sadeck VAWDA, MRPharms (UK), Pharmacist
01 October 2014 |
“Living with Schizophrenia: Burden on Carers” by Professor Paul FITZGERALD, Consultant Psychiatrist Deputy Director of the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia. |
27 August 2014 |
“Cardiac resynchronisation therapy” by Dr Nizam Domah, Consultant Cardiologist, Victoria Hospital. |
27 August 2014 |
“Acute coronary syndrome” by Dr Aniff Yearoo, Consultant Cardiologist. Fortis-Clinique Darné. |
13 August 2014 |
“Radiological Cases.” by Dr Patrick Chui Wan Cheong Jr, Consultant Radiologist, City Clinic. |
13 August 2014 |
“Non Surgical Management of Back pain.” by Dr Pankaj Wadhwa, MBBS, MD (Anaesth), DNB, Dip. Acu, FIPP, Fellowship in pain management, City Clinic. |
13 August 2014 |
“Interstitial Lung Disease” by Dr Patrick Chui Wan Cheong Jr, Consultant Radiologist, City Clinic |
13 August 2014 |
“Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)” by Dr Keser Pillai, Consultant in Internal Medicine and Respiratory Diseases |
13 August 2014 |
“Concluding with Radiological Images” by Dr Tejas Ghoorah, MBBS, MD Radiodiagnosis, MRCR UK, Apollo Bramwell Hospital
06 August 2014 |
“Current treatment and update in heart failure” by Dr Muhammad Ali ABDOOL, Trainee Cardiology Specialist (Manchester, UK) MBChB (Manchester, UK), FHEA (UK), MRCP (London, UK) MSc Med ED (Manchester, UK)

28 May 2014 |
“Colorectal Cancer” by Dr F.M. BHOLAH OSK FRCP London |
28 May 2014 |
“Colorectal cancer - The pathologist’s role” by Dr F.M. BHOLAH OSK FRCP London |
30 April 2014 |
“Overview of Substance misuse and treatment in Morocco” by Prof Fatima el OMARI, UNODC Consultant |
30 April 2014 |
“Highlights of Drug dependence treatment” by Dr David BASANGWA, UNODC Consultant

30 April 2014 |
“Overview of drug misuse in Mauritius” by Dr Anil JHUGROO, Specialist in Substance Misuse,Ministry of Health & Quality of Life. |
23 April 2014 |
"Common Skin Problems and Clinical Approach" by Dr Christine Schoutens, Consultant Dermatologist, Fortis Clinique Darne |
26 March 2014 |
"Clinical-Radiological Discussion of TB" by Dr R. REESAUL, Consultant Chest Diseases, Chest Clinic, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life, Port Louis |
26 March 2014 |
"Tuberculosis in Mauritius an update" by Dr Mrs N. SOOHUN, Chest Specialist, Chest Clinic, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life, Port Louis. |
19 February 2014 |
"Dementia and the Neurosurgeon" by Dr Hemraz. BOODHOO, F.C.S, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life. |
29 January 2014 |
"Clinical and Radiological Case presentations" by Dr Faizal ABBASSAKOOR, Colorectal Surgeon and Surgical Oncologist. |
29 January 2014 |
"Clinical and Radiological Case presentations" by Dr Kevin TEEROVENGADUM, Pediatric and Neonatal Surgeon, Victoria Hospital, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life. |
29 January 2014 |
"Clinical and Radiological Case presentations" by Dr Ramesh MODUN, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Victoria Hospital, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life |