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18 November 2015 |
“What’s New in Therapeutics” Mr Sadeck VAWDA, MRPharms (UK), Pharmacist

04 November 2015 |
“Diagnosing Allergies” by Dr Sarah Jane KARABUS, MBChB, FCPaed(SA), MRCPCH, DCH(SA), Diploma of Allergology, Consultant Paediatrician , Division of Asthma and Allergy, Red Cross Children’s War Memorial Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa.. |
02 September 2015 |
"Understanding & Managing Urine & Chest Drainage Systems" Dr Samsun (Sem) Lampotang, Ph.D. Professor of Anesthesiology Director, Center for Safety, Simulation & Advanced Learning Technologies Director, Simulation Core, Clinical & Translational Science Institute |
12 August 2015 |
“Management of the preterm neonate: recent advances in UK practice” Dr Manisha RAMPHUL, M.B.B.S and MRCPCH (Paediatrics & Child Health), UK |
29 July 2015 |
“Headache Of Neurosurgical Importance” Dr HEMRAZ BOODHOO, F.C.S, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Victoria Hospital, Ministry of Health & Quality of Life |
22 July 2015 |
“Update on Hypertension” Dr MUHAMMAD ALI ABDOOL, Specialist Trainee in Cardiology (North West, UK) MBChB (Manchester, UK) MRCP (London, UK) |
10 June 2015 |
“La Vitamine D: Actualités en 2015” Dr Hélène PETIT, Rhumatologue, Fortis-Clinique Darné |
15 April 2015 |
“Can we stop the NCD EPIDEMIC?” 1: Dr Francois LEUNG, Paediatrician. 2: Dr Yovan MAHADEB, Consultant Endocrinologist. |
01 April 2015 |
“1: Pharmacological basis of treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus”
“2: Devices in treatment and follow-up of Diabetes”
“3: How to interpret “difficult thyroid function tests”
Dr Pierre Marc BOULOUX Professor of Endocrinology, University College London and Dr Cyril BOULOUX, Montpellier, France
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25 March 2015 |
“An Update on Tuberculosis”
Dr Subhraj MUDOO Chest Specialist, Ministry of Health and Quality of Life.
Dr Rajiv KUMAR SeniorChest Specialist, Chest Clinic, Ministry of Health and Quality of Life. |
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18 March 2015 |
“1. La chirurgie esthétique: commentaires et techniques”
"2. La reconstruction mammaire : revue non exhaustive des indications et techniques"
Dr Didier VAN DEN BROECK Chirurgien Plasticien, Apollo Hospital. |
13 March 2015 |
“Marijuana and Madness : Psychiatry and Cannabis” Professor David CASTLE, FRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, and Clinical Professor, School of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, University of Western Australia |
25 February 2015 |
“ A to Z on Breast Cancer in One Hour” - Dr Ramawad SOOBRAH, BSc, MBBS, MRCS, MMedEd, Breast Surgeon, Victoria Hospital, Candos |
21 January 2015 |
“ An Update on Difficult /Severe Asthma” - Dr Naghmeh RADHAKRISHNA, Respiratory and Sleep Physician, MBBS, FRACP, Fellowship in Allergy and Immunology, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. |