
The DES offers several undergraduate degrees. Undergraduate programmes in economics and statistics provide broad knowledge of the field and give a substantial foundation in economics and statistics to students interested in professional graduate training in economics and statistics or in careers in business, finance, law or government.

The programmes are taught within the University’s credit system. To complete a degree, students would normally take 30 modules over the three years, which are assessed by a combination of examination and continuous assessment (inclusive of a compulsory class test). In their final year, students are required to submit a 10,000 – 12,000 words project/dissertation in an area of specialization. Upon commencing their studies, each class at each level is assigned a Programme Co-ordinator who will guide the students through their study with the department.

Career opportunities in economics and statistics are found in government agencies, private industry and various nonprofit organizations. A bachelor's degree in economics provides an excellent background for admission to various fields of further study. Students with substantial undergraduate academic records frequently go on to graduate work in economics, which leads to careers in higher education and economic research organizations in government and private sectors.




Programme Structures

(Abridged Version)

Programme Catalogue
(Full Version)
(Restricted Access*)
 SHLM301 BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance  3 Yrs F/T
 SHLM302 BSc (Hons) Economics and Law  3 Yrs F/T
 SH316 BSc (Hons) Business Economics and Investment Analysis  3 Yrs F/T
 SH309 BSc (Hons) Actuarial Studies  3 Yrs F/T
 SH318 BSc (Hons) Statistics with Data Analytics  3 Yrs F/T
SH537 BA (Hons) English Studies 3 Yrs F/T
SH323 BA (Hons) French Studies 3 Yrs F/T
SH322F BA (Hons) French with Translation Studies 3 Yrs F/T
SH324 BA (Hons) Creole Studies 3 Yrs F/T
SH341 BSc (Hons) Psychology* 3 Yrs F/T
SH343 BSc (Hons) Sociology 3 Yrs F/T
SH346 BSc (Hons) Sociology with Specialisation in Gender Studies* 3 Yrs F/T
SH344 BSc (Hons) Social Work* 3 Yrs F/T
SH356C BA (Hons) Politics, Human Rights and International Relations / BA (Hons) Politics with Public Administration 3 Yrs F/T
SH361 BA (Hons) Digital Heritage Management with Tourism 3 Yrs F/T
SH350 Diploma/BSc (Hons) Communication Studies with Specialisation in Business Communication* 2/3 Yrs F/T
SH351 Diploma/BSc (Hons) Communication Studies with Specialisation in Journalism* 2/3 Yrs F/T

*Accessible to staff and registered students only





Department of Economics & Statistics

Department of English Studies

Department of French Studies

Department of History and Political Science

Department of Social Studies