
University Senate Meeting


Statutory provisions in the University Statutes 2013 with respect to Senate Meetings

Minutes of Proceedings (Open Area) - Restricted to UoM Staff and Students

Senate Membership

Prof S K Sobhee Vice-Chancellor and Chairperson of Senate
Prof M I Santally Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academia) 
Prof Bhagooli Elected Full Professor Unversitywise
Dr Y Bissessur  Elected Academic Staff, Faculty of Engineering
Mrs H Y Bundhoo-Poonoosamy Elected Academic Staff, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Miss S D Chemen Elected Academic Staff, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Assoc Prof B A Gobin-Rahimbux Elected Academic Staff, Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies
Assoc Prof Dr (Mrs) M Heenaye-Mamode Khan Dean, Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies
Mr Nicholas Hurdoyal Data Lead, MCB Ltd
Mrs S R Issur-Goorah Registrar
Assoc Prof (Mrs) T S J Govinden-Soulange Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr (Ms) F Khodabocus Director, Quality Assurance
Mr Ravin Lama Managing Director, Mind Initiatives
Prof F M Mahomoodally Dean Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Ms M Mungra Director, REaiM Ltd
Assoc Prof P Nunkoo-Gonpot  Dean, Faculty of Science
Assoc Prof B Ramasawmy Molaye Elected Academic Staff, Faculty of Agriculture
Mrs P Sawock Acting Chief Librarian
Prof B Seetanah Dean, Faculty of Law & Management
Assoc Prof N Sookia Elected Academic Staff, Faculty of Science
Assoc Prof (Dr) B Y R Surnam Dean Faculty of Engineering 
Assoc Prof (Dr) K V Tandrayen-Ragoobur Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Assoc Prof V Teeroovengadum Elected Academic Staff, Faculty of Law and Management
Mr T Rungiah President Student's Union
Ms Parveen Salamut Secretary

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