
Recognition of Research undertaken by UoM Academics 

Congratulations to Dr Yusra Bibi Ruhomally and Professor Muhammad Zaid Dauhoo, both from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Mauritius, and Laurent Dumas (Professeur des Universités au Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles, UVSQ, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay,78035 Versailles, France) for their article entitled 'Stochastic modelling of marijuana use in Washington: pre-and post-Initiative-502 (I-502)’, which has been recognised as the most read and most cited in the IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, highlighting its impact within the past two years.

Brief of the research:

In 2012, the I-502 law was passed in Washington State which legalised the recreational use, sale, and possession of marijuana for adults aged 21 and over. The NERA model (N: Nonuser, E: Experimental user, R: Recreational user, A: Addict) depicts the dynamics of marijuana use before and after the legalisation of recreational marijuana in Washington. One of the key objectives of the article is to gauge the effectiveness of targeted campaigns of prevention through scenario analysis using the NERA model. Through numerical simulations and data validation, the study demonstrates how early targeted prevention campaigns could have significantly reduced marijuana use if enacted before I-502. The NERA model furnishes valuable insights into how drug consumption patterns evolve within a population and it can additionally forecast future trends in drug use. The research presented in this article is vital for policymakers, showcasing how targeted prevention efforts can impact public health outcomes in countries considering legalising marijuana or addressing its widespread usage.

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